AYI Dating App Review

AYI stands for Are You Interested, which is a great name for a dating site. Without knowing, it does seem to be just a little bit clinical, in my opinion… I signed up for AYI and received lots of potential matches, but, I’m afraid to say, it was not long before I cancelled my account. I’ll explain the reasons as we go along.
It is quick and easy to sign up. Options include adding a great deal of information, or leaving sections blank if desired- by using the ‘skip’ button. Statuses include: separated, divorced, widowed or, naughtily married, which covers nearly all the bases. Something of a slap to those who have never been in a serious relationship, single is not an option. You can look for straight, gay, lesbian or bi-sexual partners, according to your desires. To explain the ‘married’ tab a little, you don’t have to be looking for a sexual or romantic partner. On AYI, you can also search for ‘activity partners’ as well as ‘friends’ or ‘dating partners’.
The AYI Dating App Review- Statistics
AYI has been operational since 2012 and now has around 70 million users and over 3 million Facebook fans (figures as of November 2015). There is a broad base of users, from all ages, ethnicities and sexual orientations. A refreshing contrast to the more strictly regimented dating opportunities offered by other sites.
The site is only available in English at the moment. It operates in the United Kingdom, United States of America and Canada, with a subsection entitled ‘International’ for users from other areas. AYI is available on both Android and iOS. They offer a Facebook app and allow access via PC or laptop.
Not all of the features are available on the two mobile apps. The computer and Facebook apps access tend to be more comprehensive. The site and app are free of charge and have no adverts for those who choose this option. Membership packages run from $24.99 per month for one month to $12.50 per month for a six-month contract.
What it Packs
Users select areas of interest and can upload up to ten different photographs.This is a good number and allows for a fairly comprehensive self-portrait to be displayed. Users can search through other user profiles and send ‘icebreaker’ questions to people that they like the look of. They can also play the waiting game and wait for the ‘daily introductions’ to be sent through.
Each user also has access to a ‘likes me’ list. This features people who have indicated an interest in them. Paying members obviously have access to more lists than the free members. They can also see who has visited their profile. Other features for the paying service (known as Premium) include: members can see ‘friends in common’ with other users (a useful way of seeing how compatible you may be) and receive prioritised customer service.
The Last Word
I signed up, optimistically, happy with the skip feature, but mildly frustrated that I could not include all my own very widespread interests. It wasn’t possible in any way other than cramming them into a dialogue box marked ‘other’. I completed enough of my profile to hopefully attract a few good compatible matches. Checked the boxes for ‘activities partners’, ‘friends’ and ‘dating’ (partly to gather information for this AYI dating app review, partly out of a genuine desire to widen my social circle). Then sat back and waited to see who would pop into my inbox.
The first message was a stilted hello from a young lady who sent such a vaguely worded greeting that my suspicions were immediately aroused. Could this response come from a computer-generated message? Something like one’s mum sending one a Valentine so our hopes are not dashed… I decided to get pro-active with the site.
I set out to find a lady whose tastes and interests matched my own. Fairly quickly I found such a person. She claimed to be looking for the man of her dreams. After a little harmless flirtation and chitchat, she asked me to send her some money to help out her sick grandmother.
Conversation over.
Thoroughly depressed, I decided to take advantage of the so-called ‘priority’ customer service to ‘opt out’ of the paid service. I was told that it had all been done and that my account was now a free one. I found that the money taken from my account had not been returned.
Had I not been writing an AYI dating app review, I think that I would’ve taken the time to write a review. Simply to warn people away from this site. I have sampled many dating sites and AYI, sadly, ranks among the very worst of them all.
There is no effort made to find matches for you. No discernible benefit to paying for a premium service. I have found, there is no effort to screen users. Resulting in some women being targeted by secretive and predatory male users.
AYI dating app review Rating
The final word of my AYI dating app review: One out of five. You would be better off flicking through profiles on Facebook and choosing people based on how many friends you have in common. For all the effort AYI puts into their system is very little. If you do decide to try it out, be wary about what information you give out and do not spend any money on the premium service. A quick internet search show you that my AYI dating app review is by no means standing alone.
Download from
App Store 4/5
Google Play 4/5