Speed Date Mate Dating App Review

Imagine all the thrills of speed dating, organised for you online via an app. This is essentially what Speed Date Mate, an app that aims to get users chatting to as many other singletons as possible is all about.
Speed Date Mate Dating App Review- What you need to know:
I should say right here at the start of this Speed Date Mate dating app review that this is an incredibly popular app. This app enables you to meet more eligible singles than you usually do with a mobile dating app. It does so by swiftly moving the action ‘offline’ into the real world. Speed Date Mate syncs data from all of the biggest speed dating companies. It then personalises the results based on your preferences and interests and arranges for you. So you can attend speed dating events in your local area. Users can click through to a booking link to secure their place at these events straight from the speed date mate app.
The stats:

There have been around 10, 000 downloads of Speed Date Mate since the apps release. (Developed in 2014 by Richard Acherki) Any Speed Date Mate dating app review worth its salt should point out that this app is currently only compatible with iOS. Meaning for use only on iPads, iPhones and iPod Touch. Users will need to have iOS 9.0 or above installed in order to use this app. The app is advertised as being free to download,
The app is advertised as being free to download. However, there is normally a charge for signing up for speed dating events. As you may have already gathered from the first paragraph of this dating app review, the app’s focus is getting singles actively involved in their local speed dating scene.
Currently available in English only, this app is especially popular in the UK (especially the capital of London). It is beginning to take off in other Anglophone regions. It is designed for use not just at home but also when you are abroad. After all, when visiting another city, getting involved in the local dating scene is a fantastic way to submerge yourself in the region’s culture. Basing this dating app review on personal experience, it seems to appeal mainly to people in their 30s upwards. The speed dating events I attended were mainly older daters.
What it packs:
This app goes beyond a mere vehicle for organising speed dates. It also enables users to chat and flirt with each other in a manner similar to other dating apps. One very helpful feature of this app is the fact that once you start browsing and booking dating events, the app uses location awareness to give you directions to the event from wherever you are.
It seems that speed date mate works in partnership with several speed dating companies. Perhaps it has commercial interests in encouraging users to sign up for paid dating events. I would like to be able to be more transparent in this dating app review about the commissions that Speed Date Mate takes as a result of each successful signup but it is difficult to find data on this. It is clear that dating companies can apply to affiliate themselves with the app. Using the app is not substantially different depending on gender. When signing up you should give your gender and sexual orientation so that the app can tailor the events that it suggests to you.
The last word:
To summarise the above Speed Date Mate dating app review, this app is a curious mix of a classic dating app where you can meet people online. It’s also a kind of calendar solely for speed dating which enables you to book yourself a place at speed dating events. One thing that I found frustrating (as mentioned earlier in my dating app review) is the fact that the chat does not always flow as freely as it could do on this app.
This could be because users are using it more as a social calendar than as a place to linger and chat. It also could be because the chat function is not as in depth as the chat you get with other apps. Read any dating app review of OKCupid, for example, and users enthuse about the extensive, free chat functions on the site. I have not yet mentioned in my Speed Date Mate dating app review the fact that there are frequent technical glitches with this app. It can freeze and slow down without warning. Moreover, many local speed dating events are not included in the app’s list of events to sign up for. So, I will conclude my dating app review with the observation that you could simply organise your own speed dates. By using a different, smoother and less glitch-ridden app for chatting and flirting.
This Speed Date Mate dating app review give the app a star rating of: two.
As is clear from this Speed Date Mate dating app review, I was not wholly convinced by this app. Social calendars and flirty chatting can be achieved for more smoothly using a variety of other online applications and tools. So why use this app rather than any other? Overall, then, I would award this app two stars: one star for innovation, and one star for the fact that I did have fun when using the app. Ultimately, though, this is a somewhat frustrating and unwieldy way of finding and organising dates.
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*This article has been updated as of 2/3/2017